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Hey there, yes you read it right!
I see so many cool quotes about my fellow Texan- Fact is she did not wake up like that, she is not flawless and she was not built in a day! She is human and has worked hard for all that we admire about her. So, I ask what makes you and I so different? My answers is nothing! We all have an inner Beyonce is us. We need to work hard professionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically. We need to view Mrs Carter as inspiration and not as an unreachable level of perfection.
Simply put, if you want better skin- don't go to bed with a full face of makeup, if you want to loose weight- watch what you consume and get that body moving- Crank up the Beyonce tunes! If you want to excel in the work place take the extra steps you need to stand out & qualify for that promotion. Get closer to God and seek wisdom daily to deal with the pressures of life.
These are all examples only to show you that hard work and dedication is the recipe for success. Yes, for some it is just handed to them- but focus on less of them & more of you.
Write down your goals and lets start checking them off in 2016.
Lets keep the party going! In your head of course.